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The 10 areas where your band needs to stand out
In other words, artists and bands should think of themselves as a business, owning all areas of production from scratch. This includes: marketing, communications, design, advertising, research and development, strategy and of course the product itself, which is your music
.Now, this all might sound a bit heavy; in reality, it's actually quite simple. Much of this happens through online promotion and marketing – when you put things for the world to see – but today we're C级执行名单 going to look inside. You need to make sure that in all areas of your creative endeavor you are getting the most out of your efforts to stand out from the crowd.
So here is a small checklist of the 10 most important areas where your group needs to think about its identity. Let's dive in.1. Your group nameIt sounds trite, but the first thing everyone will hear about your group is its name. People tend to judge books by their covers, so the best you can hope for when it comes to new audiences trying to figure you out based on your name alone is to use one that gives off a similar sentiment. to that of your music.